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GenZ Dumping Google For TikTok, Instagram As Social Search Wins

Google is Losing its Grip on the Search Market at Least For Gen Z

Gen X and millennials might have made “google” a verb, but Instagram and TikTok are now the preferred search engines for Gen Z when seeking local results. According to a new study of 1,002 U.S. consumers, Google is now in third place for 18 to 24-year-0lds.

“Google is in for an intense fight to retain its relevance in search with younger users,” says Damian Rollison, director of market insights at SOCI, a marketing technology vendor that conducted the survey.

For that emerging Gen Z population, Instagram is tops: 67% say they use Instagram to search. TikTok is the second choice: 62% of the 18 to 24 demographic search there, while Google is in third at 61%. (Most people use multiple apps and platforms for search, which is why the numbers exceed 100%.)
