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The Verge

TikTok Moves Further Into News & Search

TikTok is Using Wikipedia to Provide More Information for in-App Search

“TikTok spokesperson Zachary Kizer confirmed to The Verge that the company is partnering with Wikipedia to bring information to users directly in-app. Kizer says the feature has been live for a few months, but it doesn’t appear the company formally announced it or that media had reported it previously… Google has acknowledged that TikTok and other platforms could be eating into its search dominance. Last year, Prabhakar Raghavan, the SVP in charge of search at Google, said “something like almost 40 percent of young people, when they are looking for a place for lunch, they don’t go to Google Maps or Search — they go to TikTok or Instagram.” — Mia Sato, the Verge.

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